😀 Me
Now I’m a Lecturer (equivalent to Assistant Professor) at Macao Polytechnic University. I received the Ph.D. degree in Intelligent Design from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong in 2023. My research interests include AI for design and graphics, 3D digital human body/head modeling, AI-driven product design, and AI-assisted interactive design.
I am looking for strongly-motivated PhD candidates to join us. More Phd application information can be found in school enrollment homepage.
🔥 News
- 2024.12: 🎉🎉 One paper accepted by IJHCI.
- 2024.09: 🎉🎉 One paper accepted by IJHCI.
- 2024.09: 🎉🎉 One paper accepted by IEEE TMM.
- 2024.04: 🎉🎉 Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury Awarded by the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva.
- 2023.06: 🎉🎉 One paper accepted by IEEE TVCG.
📝 Books
Jie Zhang. Beautiful Data Visualization of Python- How to Make Professional Charts (Python数据可视化之美-专业图表绘制指南). Publishing House of Electronic Industry, 2020. ISBN: 978-7-121-38370-0. (Note that it is used as textbook by several universities, e.g., Haikou College of Economics, and published in Taiwan and Hong Kong of China.)
Jie Zhang. Beautiful Data Visualization of R- How to Make Professional Charts (R语言数据可视化之美-专业图表绘制指南). Publishing House of Electronic Industry, 2019. ISBN: 978-7-121-37443-2. (Note that it used as textbook by several universities, e.g., North China Electric Power University.)
Jie Zhang. Beautiful Data Visualization of Excel- How to Make Academic and Business Charts (Excel数据之美-科学图表与商业图表的绘制). Publishing House of Electronic Industry, 2016. ISBN: 978-7-121-29890-5. (Note that it is used as textbook by several universities, e.g., Zhejiang Gongshang University, and published in Taiwan and Hong Kong of China.)
📝 Preprint
Zhaohua Zhu, Wenxuan Ji, Yadie Yang, Jie Zhang*. Measure2Shape: A Novel Footwear Customisation Framework Utilising 3D Shape Estimation from Anthropometric Measurements. 2024: 1-21.
Xingzhi Shi, Yadie Yang*, Jie Zhang*. 3D Female Breast Measurement for Fashion Design: A State-of-the-Art Review. 2024: 1-17.
📝 Selected Publications for 3D Human Modelling
Jie Zhang, Kangneng Zhou, Yan Luximon, Tong-Yee Lee, Ping Li. 3DCMM: 3D Comprehensive Morphable Models with UV-UNet for Accurate Head Creation. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2024: 1-14.
Jie Zhang, Kangneng Zhou, Yan Luximon, Tong-Yee Lee, Ping Li. MeshWGAN: Mesh-to-Mesh Wasserstein GAN With Multi-Task Gradient Penalty for 3D Facial Geometric Age Transformation. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 2024, 30(8): 4927-4940.
Jie Zhang, Fang Fu, Xinyu Shi, Yan Luximon, Modeling 3D Geometric Growth Patterns and Variations of Children’s Heads. Applied Ergonomics. 2023, 108: 103933:1-103933:11.
Jie Zhang, Hassaan Iftikhar, Parth Shah, Yan Luximon. Age and Sex Factors Integrated 3D Statistical Models of Adults’ Heads. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2022, 90: 103321:1-103321:13.
📝 Selected Publications for Human Wearable Design
Jie Zhang, Yan Luximon, Luwei Chen. Size Children’s Eyeglasses: A Comfort-Oriented and Assembly-Guided Approach Based on Statistical Ophthalmic Model. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2024, 59: 102266:1-102266:12.
Jie Zhang, Yan Luximon, Jinyi Wang, Ping Li. Capture My Head: A Convenient and Accessible Approach Combining 3D Shape Reconstruction and Size Measurement from 2D Images for Headwear Design. Computer-Aided Design. 2023, 159: 1-14.
Jie Zhang, Yan Luximon, Parth Shah, Kangneng Zhou, Ping Li. Customize My Helmet: A Novel Algorithmic Approach Based on 3D Head Prediction. Computer-Aided Design. 2022, 150: 1-11.
Jie Zhang, Yan Luximon, Parth Shah, Ping Li. 3D Statistical Head Modeling for Face/Head-Related Product Design: A State-of-the-Art Review. Computer-Aided Design. 2023, 159: 103483:1-103483:24.
Jie Zhang, Pengpeng Yao, Hochung Wu, John H. Xin. Automatic Color Pattern Recognition of Multispectral Printed Fabric Images. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2023, 34: 2747–2763.
📝 Selected Publications for Human-Computer Interaction
Janmin Wang, Jingyan Yang, Qianwen Fu, Jie Zhang*, Jun Zhang*. A New Design Framework of Dynamic Spatial Information in AR-HUD to Evoke Driver’s Instinctive Response. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. 2024, 183: 103194:1-103194:18. (Co-Corresponding Author)
📦 OpenSource Repositories
🎖 Honors and Awards
- 2024.04. Gold Medal with Congratulations of the Jury Awarded by the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva
- 2023.12. Silver Award of International Design Excellence Awards (IDEA) Awarded by the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA)
- 2023.11. Outstanding Contribution Award for the 20th Anniversary of the Publishing House of Electronic Industry-Broadview
- 2022.12. Best Presentation Award by the ACM SIGGRAPH VRCAI
- 2021.06. Third Class of Excellent Professional Publications Awarded by the China Industry and Information Technology Publishing & Media Group
- 2017.11. First Class of National Science and Technology Progress Awarded by the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC)
😊 Academic Services
Journal Reviewer: IEEE TVCG, IEEE TASE, Applied Ergonomics, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
📖 Teaching Courses
- COMP421. Artificial Intelligence [Spring: 2025]
- CSAI2123. Introduction to Data Science [Spring: 2025]
COMP323. Data Warehousing and Data Mining [Spring: 2025]
- CSAI2122. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence [Fall: 2024]
- COMP6132. Introduction to Big Data [Fall: 2024]
- COMP1122. Introduction to Programming [Fall: 2024]
- COMP8123. Advanced Topics in Computer Applied Technology [Fall: 2024]